A New Website for JCR

Welcome to JCR’s new online home consumerresearcher.com.

We have created this site with the goal of better highlighting our community of consumer researchers and the important work we do. On this platform, we want consumer researchers to share their knowledge with other scholars and showcase their insights to the world.

We welcome contributions not only from current authors but any consumer researcher—as guest columnists, special topics moderators, interviewers and interviewees, authors of popular press books, creators of pedagogical materials and cases, and more. In short, our website will be our platform to you and the world.

Consumerresearcher.com continues to publish forthcoming articles and provide pertinent information about paper submissions. As editors, we will also use the website to communicate with you about criteria and guidelines of the review process, data integrity requirements approved by the Policy Board, and DEI initiatives.

But, beyond that, consumerresearcher.com will be a place for you to stay current, stay connected, and find the (freely available) content you need for your work in the field, the lab, or the classroom.

On the new website, we will also capture all online attention surrounding JCR articles through Altmetric. We hope you will take advantage of this metric on your lab’s website, research website, or faculty profile as well.

The old journal website ejcr.org including iconic JCR Karen will be retired within the next six months.

We hope you will like and frequently contribute to consumerresearcher.com!