Altmetric for JCR Authors

JCR uses Altmetric to capture the online attention surrounding JCR articles. An Altmetric score is a weighted count of all of the mentions Altmetric has tracked for an individual research output, and is designed as an indicator of the amount and reach of the attention an item has received.

Altmetric badges provide authors with a colorful, distinctive and instantly recognizable visualization to help showcase the wider influence and dissemination of their published JCR work. They also serve as an analytical tool for tracking media mentions.

Altmetrics can be useful to researchers who are keen to build their online presence, demonstrate the broader impacts of their work, and increase their chances of receiving grant funding. To make the most of the data around your articles you might like to:

  • Use the Altmetric details page to identify coverage and wider dissemination of your research that you can evidence in CVs or funding applications.
  • See who is talking about your research – identify potential new collaborators and build relationships with key influencers.
  • Monitor other research in your field, and know how it has been received amongst a broader audience.
  • Manage your online reputation – respond to commentary about your work and actively engage with the conversation.

Additionally, you might wish to:

  • Sign up for Altmetric email alerts: You can sign up to be notified when an article receives a new mention online (don’t worry – you’ll only get one email a day, no matter how many mentions it gets in that day). Simply visit the Altmetric page linked from ‘Show more details’ to do so.
  • Improve your Altmetric score: Read this Altmetric blog article for some ideas and tips.

Authors interested in using an Altmetric badge on their lab’s website, research website, or faculty profile, may retrieve the DOI of their JCR article here and build their Altmetric badge here.

Authors interested in customizing the visual appearance of their Altmetric badge (e.g., add detail or change the donut size), may refer to this information about embeddable badges.

Example Badge

for Goldstein, Noah J., Robert B. Cialdini, Vladas Griskevicius, A Room with a Viewpoint (2008), “Using Social Norms to Motivate Environmental Conservation in Hotels,” Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 35, Issue 3, October 2008, Pages 472–482.