Our Associate Editors on Twitter

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JCR AEs are leaders in the field. Many share their unique insights around consumers and consumption on social media, including recently published articles, writing advice, and other research and teaching resources.

To learn more about consumer research at the Journal of Consumer Research and beyond, follow them on Twitter! Please remember that their viewpoints are personal and do not necessarily represent the journal.

Associate Editor Twitter 
Zeynep Arsel, Concordia University @zeyneparsel
Rajesh Bagchi, Virginia Tech @RajeshBagchiMKT
Marco Bertini, Esade @ProfMBertini
Simon Blanchard, Georgetown University @SIMONJBLANCHARD
Julien Cayla, Nanyang Technological University @juliencayla
Haipeng (Allan) Chen, University of Kentucky @allanchenuky
David Crockett, University of South Carolina @dcrockett17
David Dubois, INSEAD @d1dubois
Donna Hoffman, George Washington University @profhoff
Ashlee Humphreys, Northwestern University @ProfHumphreys
Aradhna Krishna, University of Michigan @AradhnaKrishna
Ellie Kyung, Dartmouth College @EllieKyung
Vanessa Patrick, University of Houston @vpatrick23
Carey Morewedge, Boston University @morewedge
Thomas Novak, George Washington University @tpntweet
Stefano Puntoni, Erasmus University @PuntoniStefano
Rebecca Walker Reczek, Ohio State University @rebecca_reczek
David Schweidel, Emory University @dschweidel
Stephen Spiller, UCLA @SpillerSAS
Manoj Thomas, Cornell University @ManojThomas21
Oleg Urminsky, University of Chicago @OlegUrminsky
Lawrence Williams, University of Colorado @larrwill