The Ferber Award 2022
The JCR editorial team is pleased to announce this year’s Ferber Award results.
The Ferber Award is given to the best dissertation-based article published in the most recent volume of the Journal of Consumer Research. The award is named in honor of Robert Ferber, one of the founders and the second editor of JCR.
We are very grateful to this year’s Award Jury, which consisted of Simon Blanchard (Georgetown University), Lisa Bolton (Pennsylvania State University), and Oleg Urminsky (University of Chicago).
With heartfelt congratulations from all Jury members and the JCR editorial team, we are thrilled to announce that this year’s Ferber Award winner is:
Wendy De La Rosa,
Assistant Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
for her paper:
The Impact of Payment Frequency on Consumer Spending and Subjective Wealth Perceptions
Wendy De La Rosa and Stephanie M. Tully
Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 48, Issue 6, April 2022, Pages 991-1009,
Published: 22 September 2021
The Jury also recognized one honorable mention this year. We are thrilled to announce an honorable mention went to:
Yan Vieites,
Assistant Professor of Marketing, FGV-EBAPE
for his paper:
Social Class Shapes Donation Allocation Preferences
Yan Vieites, Rafael Goldszmidt, and Eduardo B. Andrade
Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 48, Issue 5, February 2022, Pages 775-795,
Published: 17 May 2021